I had the distinct pleasure of being a guest judge for a student speech contest at the Santa Monica Lions Club.
As a professional speaker, I was honored to be a guest judge for the 2016 Student Speech contest that the Lions Club holds each year. This year, I was a guest judge at the Santa Monica Lions Club.
This was my first time visiting a Lions Club and I was greeted by a gracious and supportive group. Everyone was very kind and helpful when I arrived to their location in Santa Monica.
I’ve been a member of Toastmasters for two years now, so I’m very used to how Toastmasters meetings are run. This experience was very different from what I am used to, but I had a great time learning about the way they like to run their meetings. And they served a fantastic lunch!
The contest was a blast. The two student speakers were amazing. As I sat and listened to these two high school students give their presentations, I kept thinking to myself that I wish I had their level of public speaking skill when I was their age. Both contestants gave well written, thought provoking talks that left the audience with a lot of information to think about.

I was joined by my fellow Fox Talkz Toastmaster, Crista Jackson, and we were able to give a few pointers to the contestants after the contest.

It was a fun-filled afternoon and I look forward to visiting more Lions Clubs and having the opportunity to speak at a few.
Find out more about my speaking here.