Tag: nutrition
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
With a new year, comes the flood of New Years Resolutions. We all know that “I will work out” is one of the top resolutions that people make. We see it. The gyms are full during the month of January. But somewhere around the first week of February, it starts to thin out. And by…
You Have To Eat Fats; Healthy Fats
When I’m consulting with clients, most of them will trip out when I tell them that they have to eat fats! “But I’m trying to lose fat, that doesn’t make sense!” This is what I tell them.
Exercises For Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Exercising and working out can be daunting when you have Osteogenesis Imperfecta (aka Brittle Bones), but don’t count it out! Physical activity is important for those of us with O.I. and having specific exercises and workout programs is possible.
[Video] Yummy, Nutritious, Hot Cereal Option For Breakfast… Or Any Meal!
Tired of your old, boring breakfast cereal options? Here’s an idea!
Osteogenesis Imperfecta? Do Weight Training.
It’s important for folks with O.I. (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) to do resistance training; working with weights and doing weight bearing exercises.