O.I. Foundation Regional Conference in Los Angeles will be on Saturday, February 7th.
The OIF or Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation, will be holding three regional conferences in 2015.
The Foundation holds a national conference every two years, with the next one slated for 2016, so this will be a fantastic opportunity for OI’ers to get together on a regional level.
There are plenty of folks on the West Coast that were not able to make the trip to this year’s national conference, so holding a one day conference in Los Angeles is a great opportunity to learn from, share with, and meet fellow OI’ers and their families. There will be plenty of informational sessions throughout the day – specifics will be announced closer to the event.
I’m excited to announce that I will be a panelist at the ‘Physical Therapy and Exercise’ session! I look forward to sharing my thoughts and experiences with everyone in regards to fitness, nutrition, exercise, as well as the mental and emotional aspects that are involved.
Here’s a link to get information and register for the Los Angeles Regional Conference:
Here’s info: OIF Conference Registration
Please post below if you will be attending!
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