Ending my super productive day with some NASM CPT study time!

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Ending my super productive day with some NASM CPT study time! I sit for my exam in about a month. Hitting the last couple chapters and getting ready to take the practice exam a few times!

I’m already coaching a few people to learn how to FLIP THE SWITCH to a healthier you, so if you’re ready, CONTACT ME!

#JourneyToCPT #TrainerInTraining #CertifiedPersonalTrainer #ReadyToHelpYouReachYourGoals #Fitness #Fit #fitover40 #FitforLife #fitoverforty #DisableMyDisability #BreakingBarriersNotBones #Focused #OsteogenesisImperfecta #OI #BrittleBonesShmiddleShmones