3 Reasons Why This Disable My Disability BLOG is Important

This is truly the most innovative BLOG on the internet. Yes, I said it… INNOVATIVE!

That’s me at the top of Fryman Canyon in Los Angeles, CA. This was taken at the beginning of 2014 when I went for a hike with my wife to celebrate the new year.  I’ve chosen this picture to represent Disable My Disability because it shows exactly how I view the world and my fitness journey… with open arms.

Before I go any further, please take a moment and read the MY STORY page to learn more about me and why I’ve started this BLOG.

Go ahead… I’ll wait… Ok, welcome back… now, let me tell you a bit more about why this BLOG is important. Recently, I started to search the internet for various resources that pertain to Osteogenesis Imperfecta (O.I.).

The sad truth is that there’s not that much out there. The lines to any substantial information are more ‘broken’ than any of my bones have ever been!

Especially for what I’m in search of; which are topics about fitness, health, nutrition, exercise, workouts, staying positive, pushing myself to be the best I can be… despite having brittle bones.

So why is this Disable My Disability BLOG important?

1) It truly is INNOVATIVE! There’s nothing like it! This is the first of it’s kind. A fitness and wellness BLOG that’s written and put together by someone who has Osteogenesis Imperfecta and is on a fitness journey.

2) It’s not just about ME! It’s about YOU too! This BLOG is going to have information as well as fun and interesting things for you to read about, see and hear, but it’s also a ‘community’ where you can comment and interact with me and others who are part of the BLOG.

3) Everyone needs a little inspiration in their life! A healthy way of living is important. Not only for those of us with O.I., but for EVERYONE! So, I hope to inspire anyone and everyone to get healthy!

So there you have it! Here it is! The beginning!

Disable My Disability is a movement, so let’s get moving!


What topics would you like to see covered here on Disable My Disability? Tell me below and let’s get this conversation started.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lco7A4zkls4?controls=0&showinfo=0]

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2 responses to “3 Reasons Why This Disable My Disability BLOG is Important”

  1. Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

  2. Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?

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