It’s on the opening title card of all exercise DVDs. It’s listed on numerous websites that focus on giving advice for exercise and nutrition. I even have it as part of my Disclaimer here on Disable My Disability. It’s a legal thing.
It required to disclaim the fact that we are not licensed medical professionals. It clears the air and takes away any liability.
When I look back at the beginning of my fitness journey, if I would have consulted a doctor before starting my physical transformation through proper exercise and nutrition, they would have told me NOT to do it the way I wanted. Or “be careful”.
I would have never accomplished what I’ve done thus far.
Do you honestly think my doctor would have said, “Yeah, Tony. Have at it! Do those Plyo-Push Ups. RUN through those ladder drills. See how high you can JUMP!” There is no possible way my doctor would have said this to me!
I remember visiting the doctor to have a look at my ankle that was sore. He told me there’s some arthritis in there. What did the doctor tell me? “Well, just stay off of it.”
Excuse my language, but “WHAT THE F&*K?”
There was no further advice other than “Stay off of it.” and “We could do surgery.”
Really? Those are my two options? #GTFOH
As a Certified Personal Trainer, I’m legally responsible to make sure you consult with a doctor before we begin an exercise program. Especially if you have certain physical issues; hypertension, diabetes, etc.
I totally understand the logic and legalities behind this.
BUT, and a HUGE BUT here…
Is it really beneficial to consult with the doctor before attempting a new exercise program or nutritional regimen?
Yes and no. If you’re facing serious health issues, then YES. Talk to your doctor and find out the best way to handle the situation before you get into a workout program or drastically change your food intake.
BUT, the answer is NO, if you’re just using it as an EXCUSE!
I’m encountering too many people using this “seeing the doctor” thing as an excuse;
- “I don’t have time to go see my doctor”
- “Clearly, if they have that disclaimer on their, it must be a really intense workout. I can’t do that!”
- “It’s too expense to see my doctor just for this!”
- “What happens if he tells me not to do it?”
- “Oh, my doctor won’t let me do that! I already know.”
You gotta get moving! You have to change the way you eat!
And most of all, DON’T BE AFRAID to try something different.
It really comes down to that one simple idea. Releasing the fear. Or being afraid and facing it anyway.
A doctor is going to prescribe a pill. A doctor will give you medication before they will suggest a supplement. Most people who go to see a doctor and have high cholesterol are written a prescription for a medication instead of guided to join the gym! In fact, health insurance plans DON’T COVER THE COST OF A GYM MEMBERSHIP! I wonder why? That’s a whole other blog post.
Having common sense here is important. Of course, I’m not saying that you should completely disregard what your doctor instructs you to do when it comes to your health. All I’m saying is that what the doctor tells you is NOT the final word!
It’s YOUR body!
You are in control of what happens to it. You make the final choices.
So what choice are you going to make?
OPTION #1 -Sit around and wait for a doctor to tell you that it’s ok
OPTION #2 – Get moving, make better choices with your foods, get your mind right, so that you can accomplish those fitness goals you’ve always dreamed of.
I think you’ll choose OPTION #2!
Get out there and GET HEALTHY!
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